I'm always required to wear a mask at work. This hasn't been a big change for me. We are required to wear them at grocery stores in my area as well, and anytime outside when within 6 feet of others. It is becoming exhausting and in general the rebellion has begun.
I do not enjoy wearing a mask outside of work. But I do it now when I know it makes others comfortable.
What is frustrating, is that 90% of people wearing masks today are using them incorrectly. Constantly touching their mask, up/down, right side/wrong side in, hanging over the ear then back on, using over and over. Pointless. May as not wear one because now you are more likely to be infected by SOMETHING as opposed to nothing if you had worn no mask. You've just mishandled something laden with bacteria that typically should be nowhere near your face. Imagine just grabbing your kitchen towel off the counter after a day or two of use and wrapping it around your face. That's what you are getting mishandling your clean n95 mask or substitute. Same with those wearing gloves. When you do not take them off properly and dispose of them properly, there is no point.
But the powers that be say they work and are the key to moving forward. That is largely because of the success the medical field has shown with lower infection rates and good use of PPE.
General population is not well trained in PPE.
Remember. When this all broke out, we were told NO masks. (because medical needed them and no supply). Then once billion dollar contracts floated around, EVERYONE wear a mask.
Scientific data and guidance always follows the money.